St. Mary Mother of God Facts

This is the interesting facts about Saint Mary mother of God! Let's study it so we know how it's going to happen. There are some references to the story of Mary the mother of Jesus in the Bible, we need to learn it.

With simpler logic only, you can understand it immediately.

  • Mary is the mother of Jesus (the God).
  • Jesus the son of Mary.

Therefore Mary (mother) of Jesus (God),  in short "mother of God".

Is there evidence in the Bible that Mary is God's mother?

There is!

Luke 1:43 And whence is this unto me, that the MOTHER OF MY LORD should come to me?

Here we read "mother of my Lord", Elisabeth that a Jew says it. At that time he was filled with Holy Spirit. Elisabeth is a Jew whose tongue is HEBREW, in the Hebrew the word "Lord" is "Adonai" which means "God".

That means "mother of my Lord" is the mother of God

Because "LORD" IS A GOD,

Deuteronomy 6: 4 (New American Bible) "Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone!
1 Kings 18:39 (New American Bible) "Seeing this, all the people fell prostrate and said," The LORD is God! The Lord is God! "
Luke 1:16 (New American Bible) "and he will turn many of the children of Israel to the LORD THEIR GOD"
Acts 2:39 (New American Bible) "For the promise is made unto you and to your children and to all those far off, whomever the LORD OUR GOD will call."

That is the St. Mary mother of God facts, the strong proof that Mary is the mother of God (Lord). If your heart is open to accepting that explanation, you may well understand why She was called "Mary Mother of God". That's a doctrine in some of the religions, especially in the Catholic Church.